Friday, April 27, 2012

Brain and its lobes:

As mentioned earlier, the nervous is split into the CNS and PNS. We will focus mostly on the CNS since it is composed of the brain (our topic of discussion) and the spinal cord.  The brain is split into 4 lobes- the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. The lobes are made of and separated by sulci and gyri. The lobes contain many different brain structures such as the thalamus and the prefrontal cortex. 

Questions regarding the brain structures:
What is the difference between sulci and gyri?
How many lobes does a brain have?

ADAM. (Designer). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Passer, M. W., & Smith, R. E. (5th Edition). The science of mind and behavior. In McGraw-Hil.

The Neurotransmitters:

The main neurotransmitters of the brain consist of 6. The first is Acetylcholine; its major function is excitatory at the synapses involved in muscular movement and memory. The second is Norepinephrine, it is excitatory and inhibitory at various sites, it is involved in neural circuits controlling learning, memory, wakefulness, and eating. Serotonin is the 3rd neurotransmitter, it is also inhibitory and excitatory and is involved in sleep, mood, and arousal and may be involved in pleasure and pain. Dopamine is excitatory and involved in voluntary movement, emotional arousal, learning, memory, and experiencing pleasure and pain. GABA is inhibitory and works in the motor system- movement. The last neurotransmitter is endorphin; it inhibits transmission of pain impulses.

Questions regarding the neurotransmitters:
Name and explain briefly all 6 neurotransmitters and their basic functions.


(n.d.). Retrieved from

 Passer, M. W., & Smith, R. E. (5th Edition). The science of mind and behavior. In McGraw-Hil.

The Nervous System:

The nervous system in made up of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. Neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. A neuron has three main parts, a cell body, an axon and a dendrite.  The dendrite is a specialized receiving unit of the neuron while the axon conducts the electrical impulses away from the cell body and sends it to other neurons. Neurons vary greatly in shape and size. Supporting cells of different types surround neurons.

Questions regarding neurons and the nervous system:
What is the difference between the CNS and the PNS?
What does an axon do? Dendrite?

A basic neuron, (n.d.), retrieved from Nervous system.htm

Passer, M. W., & Smith, R. E. (5th Edition). The science of mind and behavior. In McGraw-Hil.